Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What happened to March?...!

Between friends visiting from Chicago, my boys having spring break, IEPs, bible studies, Celebrate Recovery... I've forgotten to keep up on my blog. In one aspect that is wonderful, because it means I'm out there living life. On the other, I want a running tally of my journey... My journey as a mom. My journey as an attendant of Celebrate Recovery and how it is changing my life in so many ways! My journey in the bible and how the bible is affecting my parenting, my friendships, how it clarifies issues and makes me wonder, think, work conflicts out. I've learned some conflicts just are, there is no fixing them or making them go away. They just are... they just are.... My journey in simply growing up. So, this post will be very short, however, it is meaningful. I had a breakthrough in CR the other evening, and though it sounds simple, sometimes the simplest of steps are the most painful to take. This breakthrough was that I have chosen to be overweight because I do not want men looking at me with anything but "Gosh, she's smart!" kind of look. I am incredibly uncomfortable with men looking at me when I start to lose weight. I am comfortable being overweight because I can control who is looking at me, and more importantly, what they are thinking when they're looking at me. This is huge! My husband, God bless him, says to me, after I told him I was very frightened of becoming an attractive slim woman, "honey, you scare the you-know-what out of me! If anyone were to try to hurt you, you'd kill 'em!" And that is the second part of the recovery, becoming aware that I am no longer a little girl. I am a grown woman that knows her own mind and heart. So here's to becoming slimmer, here's to becoming aware that I can handle myself, here's to becoming healthier and happier within my own body without feeding the panic that hits when a man finds me attractive.... then, I'm sure, Mike might take offense to that himself! :) Have a blessed day, everyone! ♥ 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray Continually."

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