I am now 42 years old! And I feel 16, so what’s up with that? :D
I’ve not written in my blog because I’ve been preoccupied with what is going on in the world. I don’t know about you, but I am frightened and excited by what is going on in Libya. Is there anyone else that remembers the Carter years? Does anyone see the similarities? The royal wedding… Princess Diana’s and Prince Charles’ first born is getting married and he is marrying during a time of great turmoil, as it was when Di and Charles wed. I don’t think their marriage will have the same caveats as Di and Charles… at least we can hope that they would have learned from past indiscretions. As if I know them!
What I mean by this is how ironically strange it is that as much as things change they stay the same. There will be a time of great prosperity. It’s just this time I’m wondering if this is the end of times, whatever that might encompass. I also don’t want to go through my life like Chicken Little. That is not the way to live. And what is really neat is that it doesn’t seem to be affecting my sons, and I don’t really want it to. I know I was aware at their age, but I wasn’t frightened at their age, and I don’t want them to be either.
So here’s what’s been going on as of late. Mike and I joined People’s Church in Franklin, Tennessee. It is awesome and a sister church of Willow Creek in South Barrington, Illinois that we loved as well, and our best friends are members of, as well as the husband is an employee of. It is huge; however, it is such a wonderful family oriented church that we just love it. The boys have an awesome teacher, and they see him twice a week for several hours.
At People’s Church we have also joined Celebrate Recovery (http://www.celebraterecovery.com.au/). I was molested as a child, and have issues with control, perfectionism, and I am an emotional eater. When we were introduced to this program in the Discovery class I thought, naw, that’s not me, because it is a twelve step program like AA. However, this particular program is for those that have had any issue that’s impeded their ability to live a full life. And I thought, Oh Lord, that’s me. We’ve attended three times. I am so incredibly excited at the prospect of feeling good about myself. Who is Angie? Who is Angie past the pain that has enabled my over eating for years? We’ve all got an issue, no matter how big or small, and in my mind’s eye my problems were pretty small and insignificant. But you see when we do that to our selves we make ourselves insignificant. I own my hang-ups, and I cannot wait to hang them up and walk away. And I am also frightened at how painful this process is going to be.
I hope that y’all are having an awesome season in your lives! Remember one thing; if you’re walking a painful walk right now, you’re not alone. Tomorrow is a new day, it may be just as painful, but it is another day. Give yourself, your problems, your worries, your hang-ups to God, hand them over and find time to speak to Him. He wants to spend time with you. He adores you, and awaits the time that you reach out to Him. Allow Him into your day, and I guarantee, it won’t change instantly, but your day will, gradually get brighter, gradually get lighter, and will gradually become more beautiful with every breath you take.
Two verses I’d written Tuesday morning for a bible study were Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” And Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” I keep trying to memorize a passage that speaks to me, and I really have a hard time with that. I don’t know why! I do love Psalm 46:1, it’s easy, it’s to the point, and it gives me hope and peace. As I’d explained to the ladies that I sit with at this bible study (A Woman After God’s Own Heart by Elizabeth George), and as they also agreed with and expounded on, our Lord is a personable Lord. He speaks to us the only way we can hear Him, in plain speak that we, each and every one of us, can personally understand. My Lord says to me, “Duh! You just got that? I’ve been saying that for centuries, and you just got that?! Dude, cool!” (mental high five and a peace sign :D) Now, I understand that this may insult some; however, the bottom line of it all is I believe in the Lord, He is my Father. As we change how we handle each of our earthly children, He handles us with how He knows we’ll get Him.
God Bless you, you are worth it, and I love that you might take the chance to speak to your Father today… so what’s stopping you? Mute the TV, put the computer on sleep mode, and take five minutes to say hello to Him. KISS. Keep It Simple Silly! I've decided to change that last word. Do you know what it was? The word was Stupid. The first time I heard this saying I thought it was awesome. But as of just the last few days I've realized that I was perpetuating a bad habit, I was calling myself, and anyone I shared this saying with, stupid. No more! ♥
I’ve not written in my blog because I’ve been preoccupied with what is going on in the world. I don’t know about you, but I am frightened and excited by what is going on in Libya. Is there anyone else that remembers the Carter years? Does anyone see the similarities? The royal wedding… Princess Diana’s and Prince Charles’ first born is getting married and he is marrying during a time of great turmoil, as it was when Di and Charles wed. I don’t think their marriage will have the same caveats as Di and Charles… at least we can hope that they would have learned from past indiscretions. As if I know them!
What I mean by this is how ironically strange it is that as much as things change they stay the same. There will be a time of great prosperity. It’s just this time I’m wondering if this is the end of times, whatever that might encompass. I also don’t want to go through my life like Chicken Little. That is not the way to live. And what is really neat is that it doesn’t seem to be affecting my sons, and I don’t really want it to. I know I was aware at their age, but I wasn’t frightened at their age, and I don’t want them to be either.
So here’s what’s been going on as of late. Mike and I joined People’s Church in Franklin, Tennessee. It is awesome and a sister church of Willow Creek in South Barrington, Illinois that we loved as well, and our best friends are members of, as well as the husband is an employee of. It is huge; however, it is such a wonderful family oriented church that we just love it. The boys have an awesome teacher, and they see him twice a week for several hours.
At People’s Church we have also joined Celebrate Recovery (http://www.celebraterecovery.com.au/). I was molested as a child, and have issues with control, perfectionism, and I am an emotional eater. When we were introduced to this program in the Discovery class I thought, naw, that’s not me, because it is a twelve step program like AA. However, this particular program is for those that have had any issue that’s impeded their ability to live a full life. And I thought, Oh Lord, that’s me. We’ve attended three times. I am so incredibly excited at the prospect of feeling good about myself. Who is Angie? Who is Angie past the pain that has enabled my over eating for years? We’ve all got an issue, no matter how big or small, and in my mind’s eye my problems were pretty small and insignificant. But you see when we do that to our selves we make ourselves insignificant. I own my hang-ups, and I cannot wait to hang them up and walk away. And I am also frightened at how painful this process is going to be.
I hope that y’all are having an awesome season in your lives! Remember one thing; if you’re walking a painful walk right now, you’re not alone. Tomorrow is a new day, it may be just as painful, but it is another day. Give yourself, your problems, your worries, your hang-ups to God, hand them over and find time to speak to Him. He wants to spend time with you. He adores you, and awaits the time that you reach out to Him. Allow Him into your day, and I guarantee, it won’t change instantly, but your day will, gradually get brighter, gradually get lighter, and will gradually become more beautiful with every breath you take.
Two verses I’d written Tuesday morning for a bible study were Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” And Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” I keep trying to memorize a passage that speaks to me, and I really have a hard time with that. I don’t know why! I do love Psalm 46:1, it’s easy, it’s to the point, and it gives me hope and peace. As I’d explained to the ladies that I sit with at this bible study (A Woman After God’s Own Heart by Elizabeth George), and as they also agreed with and expounded on, our Lord is a personable Lord. He speaks to us the only way we can hear Him, in plain speak that we, each and every one of us, can personally understand. My Lord says to me, “Duh! You just got that? I’ve been saying that for centuries, and you just got that?! Dude, cool!” (mental high five and a peace sign :D) Now, I understand that this may insult some; however, the bottom line of it all is I believe in the Lord, He is my Father. As we change how we handle each of our earthly children, He handles us with how He knows we’ll get Him.
God Bless you, you are worth it, and I love that you might take the chance to speak to your Father today… so what’s stopping you? Mute the TV, put the computer on sleep mode, and take five minutes to say hello to Him. KISS. Keep It Simple Silly! I've decided to change that last word. Do you know what it was? The word was Stupid. The first time I heard this saying I thought it was awesome. But as of just the last few days I've realized that I was perpetuating a bad habit, I was calling myself, and anyone I shared this saying with, stupid. No more! ♥
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