Our youngest is going through that difficult “if my head weren’t attached, it would fall off” phase. He literally forgets EVERYTHING! He’s also a sweet, sweet boy, he’s very compassionate, he knows when others hurt and he is right there to protect them. Middle school is very difficult for him. It’s difficult for me to stand by and watch. One more year, one more year and he’ll be in high school. I believe that’s where he’ll shine and blossom. That’s where Dennis came into his own.
Over the last 6 to 7 years I’ve lost 160 pounds. In my mind’s eye I must lose 50 more, people act shocked whenever I mention this, but I’m only getting older, my arthritis is flaring up, losing this extra weight will only help me. I had my left knee replaced on June 22, 2017, my left hip and right knee need replacing, too, again, weight loss will only help in recovery. Arthritis has flared in my thumbsand I wear thumb support braces to bed. I had carpal tunnel surgery on November 20, 2017. My boys find this exciting, “Mom!! You’ll be the terminator!” 😂 you must hear this in Arnold’s accent as this is the way it was said. 😉
Mike’s had weight loss surgery. He’s lost well over 75 pounds in 2 months. His back is hurting quite a bit, it’s the shift of weight. It’ll take time, he is very impatient!
My dad is better now. He’s fought cancer twice, prostate 14 years ago, and bladder cancer in June of 2017. I was unable visit him during this time due to my knee replacement surgery, which was difficult, but necessary for my recovery. All is well, that’s the important thing.
Sean does Sean, he doesn’t communicate, but he’s happy, per my father, and that’s all that matters.
I’ll include family photos later.
Take care, and have a beautiful day!