Our nation, well some of our nation, voted for a new
President on Tuesday the 6th of November. Some of our nation did
not. After witnessing and listening to a twenty three year Army veteran at my
son’s middle school yesterday, the 7th of November, I find it not
only irresponsible but reprehensible that some refuse to vote. Because it will
not make a difference? Are those men and women fighting for your right to vote
making a difference? Is that family who does not have their daughter, son,
husband, wife, aunt, uncle, mother, father at their table this Thanksgiving
making a difference? Am I stepping on your toes? I mean to wake you up, not
hurt you. There is no reason why anyone would choose not to vote.
And yes, I said new President. Perhaps the President who
gained an additional four years in our White House will do a better job. My
family and I, particularly my eight year old, is praying for this President.
Equality does not mean exclusion. And fifty percent of the voters (I do not
know if this is the country because many people did not vote)
made it clear they do not care for the present administration, perhaps he will
be more inclusive. We can hope. And we can pray.
Here are my personal reasons for voting for the opposing
team, Romney/Ryan. First let’s address this talk of his firing people and
liking it. He came into failing corporations, turned the ship around, and made
the corporations viable, and prosperous. He liked firing the ones that destroyed
401Ks, that destroyed your future,
that took advantage and who did not do an appropriate job running a
corporation. Unless running it into the ground is considered appropriate. Funny
how America’s been run into the ground, been taken advantage of, and the boss
is less than what people hoped to see – it would have been nice to see
Romney/Ryan do the same with our country as he has done with corporations. But,
people like the sound bites, the rude behavior, the inappropriate use of the
middle finger, and the less than honorable government of old. Welcome in the Jersey
Shore. People want action? Ha!! Sure, Mr. President. We would like action,
instead of the same old, same old.
Secondly, I believe that it is a woman’s choice to do with
her body as she wishes, however, that does not include government sticking
their noses into private religious insurance coverage. Here’s a fair exchange:
If indeed the government can tell the religious establishments what they need
to do, under the law, then the religious establishment must have a say in
government. The Ten Commandments will be displayed at each and every government
building in America, and in every Embassy overseas. Prayer will be mandatory before
and after each and every government meeting. Bibles will be displayed in each
and every room of the White House, and in every Embassy, available to all. That
sounds like a fair exchange, don’t you think? Yes, it is. Because if church is
not allowed into government, then there should be no government involvement in
any religious organization, church, or school. Period. One Nation Under God.
Third, same sex marriage. Have at it! Make it a federal
mandate that same sex marriage is absolutely legal. Again, do not force it on a
religious organization, or a private citizen. If a religious institution is forced to perform same sex
marriage, fine. Then you must attend church, you must tithe, and you must be in
counseling prior to marriage. (None of which we very well know cannot be forced upon a citizen. So why force same sex marriage on those of us that believe the bible is God's breathed word?) Yes, that is a mandatory function under a right
to marry within the religious institution. It is not the same sex marriage
issue that is the problem; it is the rude push-your-way-in-until-they-give-up attitude
that is causing people to dig their heels in. Hire a representative that speaks
clearly, concisely, does not finger point (particularly with the middle
finger), and acts in a civil responsible manner. More bees with honey my
friends. More bees with honey than with vinegar. The bottom line of this argument is the bible supports a marriage between a man and a woman. You will not receive support, marriage wise, from a religious institution. You can, however, change the federal laws.
Fourth: Obamacare. The big one. The ultimate argument.
Everyone should have insurance. Yes, they should. Here’s where the argument
becomes sticky, because it is a right to be taken care of, medically, correct?
We all agree, right? Who will be paying for those that cannot pay, but still
have “free” insurance? You do realize that nothing
is free, don’t you? You do realize, that though the argument goes, “I paid
into this, I should get something out of it” doesn’t apply here because, though
you may have ‘paid into it, ‘that does not make the hand up become a lifetime
hand out. You understand the principal? Welfare was started as a hand up, to
get people back on their feet until they were viable citizens to then contribute
once more to the country. But that hand up became a hand out that people made a
lifestyle. And it became such an ugly, uncontrolled animal so quickly no one is
able to verify if the recipient is in need of the hand up, let alone worthy of
it – did they indeed pay into the system long enough to receive a hand out for
X amount of time? And that is where the ugly words come into play. People of a
different mindset start to overuse the word racism. This isn’t racism folks. It
is common sense. And that is lacking in our society. So – who is going to pay
for Obamacare? Oprah Winfrey? Bill Gates? George Clooney? Do you have their
telephone numbers, because you may need to call them. The last I heard two of
the three are giving a mass majority of their money (tax break!!) to Africa,
and the third lives most of his time in Italy.
Those are the big arguments of this election. The other
issues, such as his “catching” Osama Bin Laden – Seal Team Six caught Osama Bin
Laden – not Obama. Seal Team Six, who is now dead. Seal Team Six, the members
of which were named by the administration. Libya. Egypt. The list goes on.
For me, as a
conservative (I do not consider myself a Republican until I hear the person
speak), it was pretty clear cut who I wanted as my President. I believe that,
because the House is not run by Democrats that there are people left to hold
the President’s feet to the fire, to hold him accountable. This is good. I do
wish the Senate was Republican run as well. The most prosperous times in
history have been when our President is Democrat and the House and Senate were
Republican majority. But a dangled carrot of free this, free that, do what you
like as long as you do it my way government won out. As Rome goes there goes
America. With prayer, particularly prayer with thanksgiving, America will be
fine. But we’ve all got to pray. We’ve ALL got to pay our taxes. Every. Last.
One. Of. Us. Has got to pay our taxes.
Let me end with a bible verse and a hope: I hope Mr. Obama
proves me wrong. I hope he does a fabulous job. I hope that he prays for
guidance, steadfastness, honesty, and clarity while doing his job. I pray he
proves me wrong.
Romans 13, the message translation. I like to reference an
entire passage rather than one verse, because so many take verses from the
bible out of context, they take the writer as being intrinsically against, or
meaning harm to, someone or someone’s. I never want that to be the case. I am
human, therefore I will have judgment. I pray constantly for discernment, grace
to myself and others, and that whatever I have to say is said in love and with
the best of intensions. I mean no harm to anyone at all, merely a voice that is
heard in the din. God’s Blessings on your day!
Be a Responsible Citizen
Be a good citizen. All governments
are under God. Insofar as there is peace and order, it’s God’s order. So live
responsibly as a citizen. If you’re irresponsible to the state, then you’re
irresponsible with God, and God will hold you responsible. Duly constituted
authorities are only a threat if you’re trying to get by with something. Decent
citizens should have nothing to fear.
Do you want to be on good terms with
the government? Be a responsible citizen and you’ll get on just fine, the
government working to your advantage. But if you’re breaking the rules right
and left, watch out. The police aren’t there just to be admired in their
uniforms. God also has an interest in keeping order, and he uses them to do it.
That’s why you must live responsibly—not just to avoid punishment but also
because it’s the right way to live.
That’s also why you pay taxes—so
that an orderly way of life can be maintained. Fulfill your obligations as a
citizen. Pay your taxes, pay your bills, respect your leaders.
Don’t run up debts, except for the
huge debt of love you owe each other. When you love others, you complete what
the law has been after all along. The law code—don’t sleep with another
person’s spouse, don’t take someone’s life, don’t take what isn’t yours, don’t
always be wanting what you don’t have, and any other “don’t” you can think
of—finally adds up to this: Love other people as well as you do yourself. You
can’t go wrong when you love others. When you add up everything in the law
code, the sum total is love.
But make sure that you don’t get so
absorbed and exhausted in taking care of all your day-by-day obligations that
you lose track of the time and doze off, oblivious to God. The night is about
over, dawn is about to break. Be up and awake to what God is doing! God is
putting the finishing touches on the salvation work he began when we first
believed. We can’t afford to waste a minute, must not squander these precious
daylight hours in frivolity and indulgence, in sleeping around and dissipation,
in bickering and grabbing everything in sight. Get out of bed and get dressed!
Don’t loiter and linger, waiting until the very last minute. Dress yourselves
in Christ, and be up and about!”